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Non Goans Rule in Canacona Market with More than Half of the Shops owned by Them in Chaudi

Goa presently facing one of the biggest issues and that is the so-called encroachments by the Non-Goans despite the facts that most of the
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Goa presently facing one of the biggest issues and that is the so-called encroachments by the Non-Goans despite the facts that most of the businesses are handed over to non-Goans by the Goans itself. The recent reports on the six thousand Bars in the state are run by the non-Goan proves that statement. 

The massive influx of migrants continues to plague the State and now Canacona residents have raised a hue and cry over original Goan shopkeepers being replaced by Non-Goans.

It has been revealed that that out of the 200-odd shops in Chaudi, more than half are owned by Non-Goans.  This has alarmed the residents of Canacona.

The Association of Businessmen of Canacona was formed by the traders of Goan origin, a few years back, when they sensed the migrant threat to their existence. The traders of Goan origin were registered members in this Association. This was formed with the view to uphold and protect the interests of the local businessmen.


Despite its formation a few years ago, the Goan businessmen have been vanishing at a rapid rate, from the Taluka.

Diogo da Silva, the President of the Association, who is heading the movement to protect and promote Goan businessmen in Canacona says, “With things going out of hand we have to put an end to the dilution of Goan shopkeepers from the market in the Taluka.”

Da Silva also lamented about the nonexistent support from the government due to which they were being driven out of extinction. He also stated that complaints regarding unfair practices by Non-Goan traders have fallen on deaf ears.

He also pointed out to the fact that out of the 250-odd shops in selling different wars in Chaudi, 150 are run by Non-Goans.  “Show me any place in the world where outside shopkeepers are more than the locals,” he said.

Vice President of the Traders Association of Canacona, Anil Bhagat said, “Our government says that we cannot safeguard the interests of locals when it comes to employment of Goans in the private sector, what do Goans have to do? Go to London?”

Da Silva and Bhagat both requested the MLA Isidore Fernandes to raise this issue on a proper platform. Else it will be too late and all the shops in Canacona would be owned by the Non-Goans and Canconkars will be left high and dry.

Source: O Heraldo 

Image Source: The Goa Villa 

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