50th Version of IFFI Showcases The Film Made on Delhi’s Choking Air Pollution Scenario

The 50th International Film festival of India has many new films that tell the story concerning our society and it has many such movies
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The 50th International Film festival of India has many new films that tell the story concerning our society and it has many such movies in its kitty this year. The opening of the IFFI began with the film which is based on the story of a refugee boy that is presently haunting the entire world. Interdependence and Orey are two such movies that put the light on two major issues that are haunting our Indian society at the moment.

The director of Interdependence Mr. Nila Madhab Panda is one of 11 directors from across the world who each worked on a specific story, different from one another. It is about the chocking air pollution issue Delhi has been facing for a few years and one that is in the media and gets the attention it requires but then once the rest of the world has seen it, it’s swept under the carpet.

Pollution generated by the clouds of poisonous air that is presently choking the whole city and impacting on the day to day lives of the people of the capital city of India. Children are breathing in ‘air’ that is destroying their lungs silently. Adults going to work inhale this stagnant poison not knowing the effects on their health but more importantly, not knowing how to solve the problem.

This poignant dilemma is a national concern but affects the entire world’s attitudes towards how to protect our environment. Global warming is real and is destroying our planet. The air in Delhi is even affecting relationships as emotions can run high if you’re not breathing the air you’re entitled to.

Interdependence Film director-Nila-Madhab-Panda with the entire team

According to Mr. Panda, every house in Delhi has more than two vehicles and rich people have almost half a dozen cars that roll on the Delhi Roads emitting the poisonous gas day in day out. He also highlighted the issue of firecrackers that used during the Diwali and every happy occasion unknowingly how much poison it emits into the already polluted Delhi. He stressed on the need of education amongst the citizens. “Everyone needs to understand that finally one day this going to kills us all.”

Another film Orey is the director Mehmet Akif Buyukatalay tells the story of love versus religion. Having been brought up in Germany to liberal Muslim parents, Mr. Mehmet tells his tale in this film of emotion and his internal battle between Islam and his life in the West.

Visiting Turkey and seeing more strict versions of Islam being practiced, the actors portray a real wish to strike a balance where there’s room in one’s life for Allah and for life as it is.

Mehmet also researched Talak, which he says “is illegal in Turkey and can only be done via the courts in a secular way” and his research results showed a great many articles on India’s recent abolishment of triple talaq.” This story is an almost personal one of the director himself.

Both films are very current and both will attract much-deserved praise.

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